Tuesday 7 July 2020

Food Forest

Many people often underestimate the importance that proper food and nutrition has on our health. Many of us start our healthy eating journeys with the best intentions only to find that we have difficulty in maintaining them due to many reasons like the vegetables and fruits is of more pesticides.

what if you have your food garden in your community?

Now, imagine if everything in this lush, abundant, spectacular forest was edible in your community. If you can imagine what this would look like, if you can picture this in your mind’s eye, then you’re not far from the mark of what a food forest is like in real life at Vijayanagara Eco village.

What is a food forest?

A food forest, also called a forest garden, is a diverse planting of edible plants that attempts to mimic the ecosystems and patterns found in nature. 

Food forest at Vijayanagara Eco Village

Generally, the Vijayanagara Eco village Food forest is designed with seven layers of a forest garden – the overstory, the understory, the shrub layer, the herbaceous layer, the root layer, the ground cover layer, and the vine layer.

Better Ambience

The Place where you live is not a place to just eat and sleep and to spend your free time. your home or community is also an extension of yourself, and its ambiance is sure to affect your personality and behavior quite significantly. We make the spaces we live in an outlet for the spaces within. After all, there is a difference between a house and a home.

Waking up in an environment that makes you feel happy and positive and returning to a similar ambiance at the end of a hard day’s work is surely quite inspirational. The good news is that this objective can be easily achieved by introducing some minor changes in your everyday lifestyle.

Let us discusses how better ambiance will add sunshine in your life

Every day Starts by welcoming the morning with ample sunlight

Early morning waking up with the bright, warm rays of the sun filtering into your home can enhance your mood to fills you with a sense of positivity and hope.

Surround yourself with happy memories:

Memory is not a pitcher which is captured in the camera and posting that in the wall, Memories are the best movement in our life, to add more memories we need a better community or neighborhood o enjoy feel the real value of lif

surrounded by greenery:

We all know how trees will bring positive energy in your life, By doing gardening helps to reduce stress

Take time to know your neighbors:

Whether you live in a multi-storeyed apartment complex or an independent house, be sure to spend some time to get to know your neighbors. This will not only help you establish lasting friendships but also provide you with a sense of contentment and security, which is essential for enjoying a stress-free and happy lifestyle.

Social Activities

Social Activities

As we age, it is very important to stay social and continue to build and maintain friendships. Everyone knows that staying physically fit is important, but the human brain requires social stimulation to function as well. It’s also easy to feel isolated the older we get. Here are some of the other benefits of being social in your community.

Better cognitive function

Social activities keep us sharp and mentally engaged, and this is important to prevent the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Maintaining good emotional health

Connecting with others helps keep you in a positive mood, which in turn wards off depression.

Physical Health

Many social activities also require physical activity. Whether it’s biking with friends or playing ping pong, many activities allow you to have fun and stay in shape. We also tend to make better eating decisions when we eat with other people.

Acquire New Skills

You can teach an old dog new tricks! Staying social is a great way to stay connected and keep learning new things. You can learn how to play poker, take a class on knitting, paint and more. There is so much out there in this ever-changing world. You could also learn how to use social media, which is a great way to stay connected with people outside of your assisted living home.


socializing helps you keep a core group of people who can help ease the stress of your life. Simply having dinner with a friend or calling a family member keeps you healthy and could make you live longer.